decades now, natural diamonds have
been playing a critical role in the
world of superabrasive industry.
Being the hardest material known, natural
diamonds have quickly become the ideal abrasive
products available, creating better, more
competitive and high precision products.
Natural industrial
diamonds exist in a wide array of
sizes, qualities and shapes, generating
a great flexibility for tool manufacturers
and offering to end-users suitable,
or even "custom-made" products for
any specific industrial application.
High quality natural
diamonds offering blocky, well-shaped
and sharp-edged crystals for excellent
bonding and thermal stability will
be reserved for sawing and drilling
applications in hard materials such
as stone, marble, hardened concrete,
as well as grinding of glass, ceramics,
or tungsten carbide.
A medium grade natural diamond, presenting
some friable particles, will be most appropriate
for sawing and drilling applications, but
under less severe conditions and for softer
materials such as limestone, sand stone,
Processed natural diamonds
refer to specially selected, processed
and chemically treated in order to
offer uniformity in shape and surface,
optimizing abrasion and impact resistance.
These ones will be highly recommended
for all drilling applications where
static load applied on tools is extreme.
Grinding wheels, rotary dressers, impregnated
tools are being used in many types of engineering
applications. The strength of natural crystals
and the cutting and friability properties
of natural diamond provide the characteristics
required in many of these applications.
rotary dressers" |
"High quality
processed crystals. Blocky
and rounded shape" |
Drawing wire is another application
where natural diamond dies
have kept their prominent position
by offering highest quality
with greatest productivity.
Natural diamond powders are also used to
obtain ultra fine finishes and fine grinding.
Stones will be further crushed down and sieved
according to sizes, providing so many different
grades to be linked to various situations.
Besides this,
natural diamonds remain the
best option for many other
specialized applications, such
as surgical procedures, manufacturing
of fiber optic lines, ultra
precision cutting tools, etc.